A blue U with three stripes appears on the screen. It starts to wiggle and moves offscreen to reveal a video montage of people in different scenarios such as a teacher teaching, a man working on CAD software, a child, a man walking in an office, and a doctor examining a patient. The U returns to the screen. Upbeat music plays throughout. Blue text appears over a white background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Simplifying the switch to UnitedHealthcare
The video cuts to David Caprio interviewing in front of a gray background. White text appears over a blue ribbon on the lower left of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: David Caprio
President & CEO
Children's Friend
DAVID: So I know the hardest thing, you know, with change is sometimes taking that first step and believing it's possible.
The video cuts back and forth between David interviewing and David speaking with people in different settings.
DAVID: And I am one of the most skeptical people out there, so I can tell you it's worth taking the step. You can do it differently. You can be much more deliberate with your health insurance investment.
The video cuts to a montage of people in various scenarios from office setting, people working in doctor’s offices, to children on a playground. A female announcer speaks.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Even when an employer knows that they want better employee health benefits, changing to a different health benefits carrier can seem overwhelming. Will it be an administrative headache? Will their employees be able to see the providers they want? And get care when, where, and how they may need it?
The video shows an animation of three colored folders, then cuts to white text over a blue background. The female announcer is still speaking.
employees and
their families
UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual book of business, 2024.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: As the health benefits carrier of choice for hundreds of thousands of employers and millions of employees and their families nationwide, UnitedHealthcare has the resources and expertise to simplify the process and give employers of all sizes a solid place to land.
The video cuts to an animation of a map of the US with orange pin points. The female announcer continues speaking. It then cuts to Peter Ronza interviewing in front of a gray background. White text appears over a blue ribbon in the lower left of the screen.
Director of Total Compensation
Minneapolis Public Schools
PETER: UnitedHealthcare has proven resources both from a technological, self-service standpoint…
The video cuts back and forth between Peter and people working in different office situations.
PETER:…and access to network so that your employees don't have to worry about, "I need to go here. Is it in or out? I need to go here. Is it convenient or not?" We don't have to answer those questions because UnitedHealthcare has given us the network that matches our population and their needs. It was impressive during the proposal process to see not only the team that UnitedHealthcare brought to the interview, for lack of a better term, but also the understanding of who we are.
The video cuts to Alec Pfeffer walking down an office hallway and then working with various people in his office. It then cuts to Alec interviewing in front of a gray background. White text appears over a blue ribbon in the lower left of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Alec Pfeffer
Chief Financial Officer
ALEC: We switched to UnitedHealthcare a few years ago. The process was fantastic. I didn't realize what we were missing. So as we made that move, it was kind of a breath of fresh air. Having the service team behind it, knowing I can call up anybody on that team and they're going to take my question and run with it and get answers as soon as possible.
A video montage shows various people in different work settings. The female announcer is speaking.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: UnitedHealthcare teams work side-by-side with employers to help them more easily transition to a health benefits plan built for their unique workforce with advantages like…
The video cuts to blue text over a white background. The female announcer continues speaking.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Nation's single largest proprietary network'
1UnitedHealth Network Access internal analysis, October 2024.
2UnitedHealthcare internal analysis, Sept. 30, 2024.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: …access to the nation's largest proprietary network, plus clinical and wellness programs, and support to help employees get more from their benefits.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Nation's single largest proprietary network'
Clinical and wellness programs
Support for employees
The video cuts to a montage of J. Renee Ramirez working at her desk. It then cuts to her interviewing in front of a gray background. White text appears over a blue ribbon in the lower left of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: J. Renee Ramirez
Director of Human Resources,
Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
J. RENEE: The support that we've been able to get from UnitedHealthcare has been tremendous. They've been able to bring to the table programs that help us continue to enhance some of the benefits that our health insurance provides.
The video shows a montage of people working in different office settings.
J. RENEE: Every decision, every recommendation that they bring to us to consider is done very intentional because they know our workforce.
The video cuts to a montage of Julie Colangeli working at her desk. It then cuts to her interviewing in front of a gray background. White text appears over a blue ribbon in the lower left of the screen.
ON SCREEN TEXT: Julie Colangeli
Benefits and Employee Experience Manager
Children's Friend
JULIE: Our team at UnitedHealthcare helps us find ways to manage the costs through offering programs that are going to help the employees, but in the long run, help the agency contain costs as well. And in fact, we haven't raised the employee benefit contributions in 17 years.
The video shows people in various work scenarios. The female announcer is speaking.
FEMALE ANNOUNCER: Whether an employer has had the same health benefits for a couple of years or a couple of decades, making the switch to UnitedHealthcare may be way easier than they think and a way better choice for their organization and their workforce.
The video cuts to blue text over a white background.
ON SCREEN TEXT: There for what matters™
Talk to your broker, consultant or
UnitedHealthcare representative
to learn more
Three blue lines squiggle on screen to reveal a U. Blue text appears over a white background and gray text at the bottom of the screen. The music fades.
These case studies are true. Savings calculated on book-of-business case rate savings for these programs. Savings for enrolled members are case specific. Results will vary based on client specific demographics and plan design.
Employee benefits including group health plan benefits may be taxable benefits unless they fit into specific exception categories. Please consult with your tax specialist to determine taxability of these offerings.
Insurance coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates.
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