Is your child up to date on vaccinations?

As kids get back to the classroom, it’s important to stay on track with preventive doctor’s appointments for your child to help ensure a healthy school year.

Appointments with your pediatrician are essential to help maintain your child’s health and ensure your child is growing and developing as expected. Identifying any concerns early can help connect your child with the resources needed to help ensure a successful transition back to school.

Checking in with your child’s doctor also helps to ensure your child is protected from vaccine preventable diseases. National vaccination rates are down1 for some age groups — which can be alarming when recent outbreaks of infectious diseases, like measles, have been reported in recent years.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging those who are behind to get caught up on needed vaccinations.2

Childhood vaccines help prevent serious illness, including, but not limited to:

  • Mumps, measles and rubella (MMR)
    These three viruses are highly contagious3 and may lead to serious, long-term health issues. The CDC recommends children get two doses of the MMR vaccine, which protects against all three viruses. The first dose is typically given between 12 and 15 months of age and the second between 4 and 6 years old.
  • Polio
    This can be a deadly disease caused by a virus that infects a person’s brain and spinal cord causing paralysis. It’s recommended that children get four doses of the polio vaccine,4 starting at 2 months old, 4 months old, 6-18 months old and between 4 and 6 years old.
  • Pneumonia
    This disease is common among young kids and older adults. CDC recommends the pneumococcal vaccination for all children younger than 2 years old.
  • Meningitis
    This is a serious infection5 which affects the lining of the brain and spinal cord. The first dose is recommended for children at 11 or 12 years old, with the second around the age of 16.
  • Whooping cough
    Also known as pertussis, whooping cough is a respiratory disease caused by bacteria. There are two types of vaccines6 to help protect against this disease – DTap is recommended for children younger than 7 years old and Tdap for older children and adults. Dtap and Tdap also prevent against serious diseases of diphtheria and tetanus.
  • Chickenpox
    This contagious disease is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). The CDC recommends7 two doses of the chickenpox vaccine – the first dose between 12 and 15 months old and the second between 4 and 6 years old.
  • Hepatitis A and B
    There are several hepatitis infection variations, which are all caused by different viruses that attack the liver,8 which may cause serious lifelong complications. The CDC recommends children get two doses of the hepatitis A vaccine9 — one dose between 12 and 23 months of age and the second at least 6 months after the first dose. The hepatitis B vaccine is given in a series of shots10 with the first dose given at birth and the rest completed by 6 months.
  • Influenza
    The flu is a respiratory virus with symptoms that may range from mild to severe. The CDC recommends that everyone 6 months of age11 and older get the vaccine ever year.
  • COVID-19
    The CDC recommends12 children 6 months of age and up receive an updated COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Rotavirus
    This virus can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting in infants and young children. Children can become dehydrated and need to be hospitalized. The CDC recommends13 children get vaccinated against rotavirus before they turn 8 months old. There are two vaccines currently licensed for infants in the U.S. – one is a series of three doses given at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months, the other is two doses at 2 months and 4 months. Both vaccinations are given orally.
  • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
    Hib disease is any kind of infection caused by Haemophilus influenzae bacteria. Some illnesses, like ear infections, can be mild, but others, like bloodstream infections can be very serious. Hib can cause severe infections in the lining of the brain and spinal cord and bloodstream. The CDC recommends14 all children under 5 get vaccinated against Hib.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    HPV is a common virus that can lead to certain types of cancer later in life. The CDC recommends15 children between the ages of 11-12 should get two doses of the HPV vaccine, which is given 6 to 12 months apart. HPV vaccines can be given starting at 9 years old.


Check the CDC’s immunization schedule16 for a full list of recommended vaccinations to help ensure your child is up to date.

Get an age-specific care checklist for you or your child, including needed vaccinations.




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