Waiting for coverage to start?
Here's what you can do before your ID card arrives
All set with your health plan coverage but it’s not active yet? While you’re watching the mail for your member ID card to arrive, here are a few things you can do while you’re waiting for your coverage to start.
Find out how to sign in to your member site and set up an account
Whether you have a Medicare plan, a plan through your employer or another health plan, you'll have an online health plan account. You'll need to wait until you have your member ID card to register for your account. Until your card arrives, you can learn where to sign in and bookmark the page. When you sign in to your member site, it’s easier to see your personalized information and manage your benefits.
Explore your network to find providers
Check for providers in your health plan network by using the Find a Doctor directory. With some health plans, you may need to choose a primary care provider (PCP). You can also use the directory to see which clinics and hospitals are in your network. When you receive your member ID card, sign in to your health plan account to view a more complete list and select a PCP if that’s required by your plan.
Schedule your first appointment
Plan ahead to schedule an appointment with your PCP for after the start of your coverage. Many preventive screenings and immunizations are covered at no additional cost to you when you see network providers, so it’s a good idea to get them on the calendar.
Download the UnitedHealthcare® app
Once your plan is effective, download the UnitedHealthcare app to easily check your plan details and view your member ID card from your mobile device. Depending on your plan, you may be able to use the app to help you find nearby care options in your network, set up a video chat with a doctor, check on claims and more.
Download the app
Use your mobile device to download the app