Breast pump coverage

Bringing a new baby into your life brings big excitement – and big changes. You might be a new parent – or maybe you have children in your family already. Either way, breastfeeding may be one of the many things you’re thinking about as you prepare for your baby’s arrival. Let’s go over some of the basics of breastfeeding and explain coverage for breast pumps.
Breast pump coverage or assistance may be available to you. For more information, please call the phone number on your health plan ID card or refer to the benefits section on your member account.
What type of breast pump is covered?
Using a breast pump in between regular breastfeeding can help you maintain your milk supply. Most UnitedHealthcare benefit plans include coverage for the purchase of a personal-use, double-electric breast pump at no cost to you. These are the most common pumps and they closely simulate the action of a breastfeeding infant. You can find which brands are included by contacting the national breast pump suppliers listed below.
Other types of breast pumps include manual breast pumps, hospital-grade (multi-user) pumps and hands-free pumps. Most UnitedHealthcare benefit plans do not cover these types of pumps.
How to request a breast pump
To request a breast pump, call the phone number on your health plan ID card, or you may contact one of the national network providers below. You will need a physician prescription to get a breast pump. Make sure to note that you will not be reimbursed for a breast pump purchased at a retail store.
If you contact a breast pump supplier directly, they may ask for your doctor’s name and phone number and the baby’s due date or the date the baby was delivered. The supplier may check this and other information with your doctor before the breast pump is ordered.
National breast pump providers
Synapse Health | For Synapse Health orders, Visit Optum Now |
Pumping Essentials | Pumping Essentials |
Edgepark Medical Supplies | Edgepark Medical Supplies |
Byram Healthcare | Byram Healthcare |
Aeroflow Healthcare | Aeroflow Healthcare |
AdaptHealth Patient Care Solutions | AdaptHealth Patient Care Solutions |
Acelleron Breast Pumps | Acceleron |
Choosing to breastfeed
Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a personal choice. For some, breastfeeding may not be possible. For others, it may just not work out.
For those who can't breastfeed or who decide not to, formula is a healthy alternative, providing babies with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
Health benefits of breastfeeding
If you choose to breastfeed, there are some health benefits you might want to know about – for both mom and baby. Studies show that breastfed babies have lower risks of asthma, childhood leukemia, childhood obesity, ear infections, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory diseases, and Type 2 diabetes.1 For mothers, nursing can lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer and certain types of breast cancer.1
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding as your baby’s one source of nutrition for their first six months. They also recommend continuing breastfeeding until your baby is at least one year old.2 This is because breast milk has all the nutrition your baby needs, in the right proportions, in their first months of life.
Lactation counseling
Breastfeeding might come naturally to you – but it’s common to need help, especially at first. If you have challenges with breastfeeding, such as latching difficulties, pain, or low milk production, lactation counseling can be very helpful. Most UnitedHealthcare plans include coverage for lactation counseling with a network provider, including lactation support classes, or lactation counseling during an office or other outpatient visit. If you deliver in a hospital most benefit plans also include coverage for lactation support during your inpatient admission. Contact your OB/GYN, pediatrician or primary care physician to learn about lactation counseling services that they offer.
You may be eligible under your UnitedHealthcare health benefit plan for lactation counseling at no cost to you. Call the number on your health plan ID card to talk with a representative.
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