Georgia group health plan news and resources
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Committed to our Georgia community
UnitedHealthcare is dedicated to supporting Georgia employers, employees and their families by building strong, lasting relationships in the community. Our presence in Georgia includes:1
Meet your Georgia team
UnitedHealthcare in Georgia is here to serve the needs of employers, employees and their families across the state. Download the Georgia key accounts contact list and the small business contact list , and reach out for support.

Bryan Palmer
CEO UnitedHealthcare Georgia and Alabama
UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual Health Plans of Georgia and Alabama welcomes Bryan Palmer as its new Chief Executive Officer. Bryan is no stranger to UnitedHealthcare – or the South. He brings more than 25 years of health care experience to his new role, of which 20 years have been with UnitedHealthcare commercial plans in our neighboring state of Florida.
Bryan started at UnitedHealthcare as an account manager for Key Accounts in South Florida and has since held a variety of Small Business and Key Accounts sales and account management leadership roles until 2016, when he assumed the role of regional growth officer for the Southeast region. As the CEO, Bryan is responsible for UnitedHealthcare’s commercial business growth and management in Georgia and Alabama, serving as the key leader of the senior management team and primary face to the community.